WhatsApp is finally catching up to other messaging apps by adding the ability for users to send photos in high definition. Most users of the app are aware that when they send photos, the platform will heavily compress them in order to save space.
With the new rollout, you will see an “HD” button on top when you’re sending a picture, with a pop-up menu giving you the option to pick from sending it in standard quality or HD quality. While the resolution is definitely higher than standard, it is most likely still compressed as our experience with it showed that the HD photos are all standardised at a resolution of 1920×2560.
WhatsApp says that if you’re on the receiving end of an HD photo and you have low bandwidth, you can choose on a photo-by-photo basis on whether you want to keep the standard version or “upgrade” it to high definiton. Moreover, the company stated that it will be adding the option to send videos in HD soon.
Regardless whether the content is sent in HD or standard quality, it will still be end-to-end encrypted, WhatsApp promised. The new feature is being available globally over the coming weeks.
(Source: WhatsApp Press Release)
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