Specs of the upcoming and much rumoured Apple mixed-reality headset have been floating around for about two years now. Back in early 2021, The Information published a report noting that the expensive headset will come with two 8K displays. Though a year later, analysts from DSCC would dispute this, claiming that the headset will in fact feature dual 4K screens on the inside. Now, a lot closer to its supposed launch during WWDC, Bloomberg reports on another item in its spec sheet, this time regarding a proprietary charging connector.
This comes as part of Mark Gurman’s Power On newsletter, which notes that the Apple mixed-reality headset will come with two ports. One of it will be a conventional USB-C port, which is stated to be used mainly for data transfer purposes. The other, more interestingly, would be the aforementioned proprietary charger. This is described as having a round tip that attaches itself to the headset magnetically. Once connected, you can rotate it clockwise to lock it in place.
While this is described as a magnetic charging cable, perhaps it is more accurate to call it purely a power delivery cable. This is because Gurman also says that the Apple mixed-reality headset uses an external battery rather than a built in one. And this cable is what connects the external power pack to the headset. A little worryingly, the report also notes that the cable and the external battery are not separable. Considering the power consumption of the headset, the pack will likely power it for two hours. The pack itself is noted to charge the more conventional way too, via the good ol’ USB-C.
Whether or not all these will pan out for the Apple mixed-reality headset, we’ll have to wait until its unveiling to find out for sure. Despite a predicted delay to its mass production by analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, it looks like the unveiling itself will still go ahead during WWDC 2023.
(Source: Bloomberg, Tom’s Guide)
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